Linux Installation, Configuration and Management
  Version History
    Using Blueworx Voice Response as a VoiceXML Browser
    Using Blueworx Voice Response as a CCXML Browser
    Using BSM to register with SIP registrars
    VM Requirements
    Network Requirements
    Pre-Install on Rocky Linux 9
      Enabling access to policycoreutils-python-utils
      Installing the Blueworx Yum repository on Rocky Linux 9
    Installing the Blueworx Yum repository on Centos or Redhat
    Installing the Blueworx Yum repository on Amazon Linux 2
    Installing Blueworx (new installation)
      Files and Folders created during Installation
    Installing Blueworx Utilities
    Installing PostgreSQL Database for Blueworx CPD
    Migrating from an earlier version of PostgreSQL Database for Blueworx CPD
    Updating Blueworx (existing installation)
    Secure Boot
    Removing Blueworx
    Manual installation of Blueworx packages
    Installing additional Blueworx software
      Installing the Web UI
    Installing Apache Kafka (optional)
    Installation Validation
    Best Practices
    Linux Configuration
    License Configuration
      Setting up the License Key for a Standalone System
      Updating the License Key for a Standalone System
      Setting up the License Key for a redundant BRM System
      Updating the License Key for a redundant BRM System
    Platform Configuration
      TOML Configuration File Format
      Common Configuration
      Secure Configuration
      BVR Configuration
      BVR Configuration Options
        BRM Configuration Options
        CCXML Configuration Options
        CDR Configuration Options
        CTI Configuration Options
        Cache Configuration Options
          VXML Cache Configuration Options
          AUDIO Cache Configuration Options
          TTS Cache Configuration Options
          CCXML Cache Configuration Options
        General Configuration Options
        IBM Voice Gateway Configuration Options
        Inbound Call Configuration Options
        Kafka Configuration Options
        Log Configuration Options
        MRCPv2 Configuration Options
        Outbound Call Configuration Options
        Port Range Configuration Options
        Remote Recording Configuration Options
        SDP Configuration Options
        SIP Configuration Options
          SIP Security Configuration Options
        Security Configuration Options
        Streaming Configuration Options
        Trace Configuration Options
        VXML Configuration Options
        Watson Assistant Configuration Options
      BRM Configuration
      BRM Configuration Options
        General Configuration Options
        BRM General Configuration Options
        Trace Configuration Options
        Security Configuration Options
        Main Database Configuration Options
        CCXML Configuration Options
        Kafka Configuration Options
        Status Configuration Options
        HTTP API Configuration Options
        License Configuration Options
      BAM Configuration
      BAM Configuration Options
        General Configuration Options
        Security Configuration Options
        BRM Configuration Options
        Trace Configuration Options
        Main Database Configuration Options
        WebAPI Configuration Options
        Email Configuration Options
        Kafka Configuration Options
      BAM Command Line Utility
        BAM Command Line Utility Initial Panel
        BAM Command Line Utility Applications
        BAM Command Line Utility Outbound Application
        BAM Command Line Utility Application Mappings
        BAM Command Line Utility Call Features
          Parameters for ASR_MRCPv2 Call Feature
          Parameters for STT_GOOGLE Call Feature
          Parameters for STT_WATSON Call Feature
          Parameters for TTS_MRCPv2 Call Feature
          Parameters for TTS_GOOGLE Call Feature
          Parameters for TTS_POLLY Call Feature
          Parameters for TTS_WATSON Call Feature
          Parameters for TTS_ELEVEN_LABS Call Feature
          Parameters for VIRTUAL_ASSISTANT_WATSON Call Feature
          Parameters for VIRTUAL_ASSISTANT_DIALOGFLOW_ES Call Feature
          Parameters for VIRTUAL_ASSISTANT_DIALOGFLOW_CX Call Feature
          Parameters for VIRTUAL_ASSISTANT_NU_WORKFORCE Call Feature
        BAM Command Line Utility Call Feature Groups
        BAM Command Line Utility SIP Configuration
          SIP Digest Credentials Panel
          SIP Custom Headers Panel
          SIP Proxies Panel
          SIP Proxy Groups Panel
        BAM Command Line Utility SIP Registrars
        BAM Command Line Utility Outbound Allow/Deny List
        BAM Command Line Utility HTTP API Keys
        BAM Command Line Utility HTTP Proxies
        BAM Command Line Utility HTTP Proxy Groups
      BSM Configuration
      BSM Configuration Options
        BSM General Configuration Options
        Trace Configuration Options
        BSM Security Configuration Options
        BSM Network Configuration Options
        BSM SIP Configuration Options
        BSM SIP Listening Point Configuration Options
        SIP Proxy Header Configuration Options
        BSM SIP Security Configuration Options
        Main Database Configuration Options
        BRM Configuration Options
        Kafka Configuration Options
      CPD Configuration
      Web UI Configuration
      Apache Kafka Configuration
        Configuring Apache Kafka producer properties
        Configuring Apache Kafka topics output from BVR
      Multiple Network Interfaces
      Weight and Priority usage in the Blueworx Platform
    BRM Operation
      The brm command
      Starting and Stopping BRM
      Monitoring BRM
      Checking connected BRMs, BVRs and License Usage
      Using an Apache Kafka Producer for Logging and Tracing
    BAM Operation
      The bam command
      Starting and Stopping BAM
      Monitoring BAM
      Application Profile Configuration on BAM
      Using an Apache Kafka Producer for Logging and Tracing
      Cache Management Using BAM
    BSM Operation
      The bsm command
      Starting and Stopping BSM
      Monitoring BSM
      SIP Message Monitoring
      Using an Apache Kafka Producer for Logging and Tracing
    BVR Operation
      The bvr command
      Starting and Stopping BVR
      Monitoring BVR
      SIP Message Monitoring
      MRCP Message Monitoring
      Capturing Audio and/or SIP Flow of Calls
      Call and Conference Detail Records (CDR)
        Outputting CDRs to PostgreSQL
      Application logging
      Using an Apache Kafka Producer for Logging and Tracing
      Kafka Producers
      Topic blueworx.application
      Topic blueworx.cdr
      Topic blueworx.error
      Topic blueworx.event
      Topic blueworx.status
      Topic blueworx.license
      Topic blueworx.trace
      Example Kafka Consumer for Logging and Tracing
    Linux Services
    CPD Operation
  Application Support
        How it Works
        JSON Request Format
        JSON Response Format
        How it Works
        JSON Request Format
        JSON Response Format
        JSON Examples
        Request Response Example
        Session Variable Examples
        Status v1 API
        Status v2 API
        Status v2 Detail API
      VoiceXML language
        VoiceXML elements and attributes
        VoiceXML declaring variables
        VoiceXML internal variable encryption
        Single DTMF Hotword Barge-in
        Using VXML to play DTMFs
      VoiceXML and SIP
        VoiceXML and SIP Incoming Header Access
        VoiceXML and SIP Outgoing Header Access
      VoiceXML Call Transfer and Bridging
      VoiceXML with CCXML for Call Transfer and Bridging
      VoiceXML with Speech Service Locales
      VoiceXML arbitrary MRCP Vendor Specific Parameters
      VoiceXML Caching
      Genesys CTI with VoiceXML
      Using Speech To Text (STT) engines
        Google Speech To Text (STT) supported parameters
        IBM Cloud Speech To Text (STT) supported parameters
      Integration with Virtual Assistants
        Dialogflow Virtual Assistant Specifics
        Watson Virtual Assistant Specifics
      VoiceXML and Call Recording
      CCXML language
        What is CCXML?
        Using ECMAScript
        CCXML Elements
        CCXML Events
        BVR Specific Messages and Events for Call Transfer
        Basic HTTP Event I/O Processor
        Session Creation Event I/O Processor
      CCXML and SIP
        CCXML and SIP Incoming Header Access
        CCXML and SIP Outgoing Header Access
        Recording calls using SIPREC
      CCXML Call Transfer and Bridging
        CCXML Blind/Consult Transfers
        Using <join> to Bridge Calls
        Using <merge> to Hand Off Calls
      CCXML Conference Support
      CCXML Outbound Calling
      CCXML Caching
      Call Progress Detection
        Using Call Progress Detection
        Event Notification
        Example AMD Scenarios
      Integration with VoiceXML
      Overriding TTS Parameters in VoiceXML using CCXML
      Integration with IBM Watson through IBM Voice Gateway
      Integration with IBM Watson Assistant
      Integration with Google Dialogflow
      Integration with Amazon Lex
      CCXML DTMF Support
      Recording calls in CCXML
        Recording calls in CCXML using SIPREC
        Recording calls in CCXML
    Call Features Support in BVR
    Transfer Types Supported in BVR
    Secure SIP
    Secure RTP
    Resource Fetching
    Centralised Outbound Calling API
    Web UI
    Cipher Suites
    Logging and Tracing
    Keystores, Truststores and Certificates
      Setting up a Keystore
      Getting a certificate signed by a Certificate Authority
      Adding a Certificate Authority to a Truststore (or Keystore)
      Useful Keystore/Truststore related commands
      Debugging a TLS Connection
    Redundancy Overview
    Redundancy Configuration
    Dynamic Cluster Reconfiguration
    Starting a Redundant Cluster
    Redundant Platform Example
    Minimum Redundant Cluster Configuration
  Resource Caching
    VoiceXML Caching
    CCXML Caching
    TTS Caching
  Sample Applications
  Problem Determination
    Error logging and Trace
      Error and Trace files
      BVR Error and Trace Outputs
      Trace File Locations
      File and Kafka Message Format
      Controlling Tracing and Logging
    Problem Data Collection
    Web UI
    Apache Kafka
    CCXML Tracing
    VoiceXML Tracing
    SIP Message Tracing
    MRCP Message Tracing
  Version History
    Using Blueworx Voice Response as a VoiceXML Browser
    Using Blueworx Voice Response as a CCXML Browser
    Using BSM to register with SIP registrars
    VM Requirements
    Network Requirements
    Pre-Install on Rocky Linux 9
      Enabling access to policycoreutils-python-utils
      Installing the Blueworx Yum repository on Rocky Linux 9
    Installing the Blueworx Yum repository on Centos or Redhat
    Installing the Blueworx Yum repository on Amazon Linux 2
    Installing Blueworx (new installation)
      Files and Folders created during Installation
    Installing Blueworx Utilities
    Installing PostgreSQL Database for Blueworx CPD
    Migrating from an earlier version of PostgreSQL Database for Blueworx CPD
    Updating Blueworx (existing installation)
    Secure Boot
    Removing Blueworx
    Manual installation of Blueworx packages
    Installing additional Blueworx software
      Installing the Web UI
    Installing Apache Kafka (optional)
    Installation Validation
    Best Practices
    Linux Configuration
    License Configuration
      Setting up the License Key for a Standalone System
      Updating the License Key for a Standalone System
      Setting up the License Key for a redundant BRM System
      Updating the License Key for a redundant BRM System
    Platform Configuration
      TOML Configuration File Format
      Common Configuration
      Secure Configuration
      BVR Configuration
      BVR Configuration Options
        BRM Configuration Options
        CCXML Configuration Options
        CDR Configuration Options
        CTI Configuration Options
        Cache Configuration Options
          VXML Cache Configuration Options
          AUDIO Cache Configuration Options
          TTS Cache Configuration Options
          CCXML Cache Configuration Options
        General Configuration Options
        IBM Voice Gateway Configuration Options
        Inbound Call Configuration Options
        Kafka Configuration Options
        Log Configuration Options
        MRCPv2 Configuration Options
        Outbound Call Configuration Options
        Port Range Configuration Options
        Remote Recording Configuration Options
        SDP Configuration Options
        SIP Configuration Options
          SIP Security Configuration Options
        Security Configuration Options
        Streaming Configuration Options
        Trace Configuration Options
        VXML Configuration Options
        Watson Assistant Configuration Options
      BRM Configuration
      BRM Configuration Options
        General Configuration Options
        BRM General Configuration Options
        Trace Configuration Options
        Security Configuration Options
        Main Database Configuration Options
        CCXML Configuration Options
        Kafka Configuration Options
        Status Configuration Options
        HTTP API Configuration Options
        License Configuration Options
      BAM Configuration
      BAM Configuration Options
        General Configuration Options
        Security Configuration Options
        BRM Configuration Options
        Trace Configuration Options
        Main Database Configuration Options
        WebAPI Configuration Options
        Email Configuration Options
        Kafka Configuration Options
      BAM Command Line Utility
        BAM Command Line Utility Initial Panel
        BAM Command Line Utility Applications
        BAM Command Line Utility Outbound Application
        BAM Command Line Utility Application Mappings
        BAM Command Line Utility Call Features
          Parameters for ASR_MRCPv2 Call Feature
          Parameters for STT_GOOGLE Call Feature
          Parameters for STT_WATSON Call Feature
          Parameters for TTS_MRCPv2 Call Feature
          Parameters for TTS_GOOGLE Call Feature
          Parameters for TTS_POLLY Call Feature
          Parameters for TTS_WATSON Call Feature
          Parameters for TTS_ELEVEN_LABS Call Feature
          Parameters for VIRTUAL_ASSISTANT_WATSON Call Feature
          Parameters for VIRTUAL_ASSISTANT_DIALOGFLOW_ES Call Feature
          Parameters for VIRTUAL_ASSISTANT_DIALOGFLOW_CX Call Feature
          Parameters for VIRTUAL_ASSISTANT_NU_WORKFORCE Call Feature
        BAM Command Line Utility Call Feature Groups
        BAM Command Line Utility SIP Configuration
          SIP Digest Credentials Panel
          SIP Custom Headers Panel
          SIP Proxies Panel
          SIP Proxy Groups Panel
        BAM Command Line Utility SIP Registrars
        BAM Command Line Utility Outbound Allow/Deny List
        BAM Command Line Utility HTTP API Keys
        BAM Command Line Utility HTTP Proxies
        BAM Command Line Utility HTTP Proxy Groups
      BSM Configuration
      BSM Configuration Options
        BSM General Configuration Options
        Trace Configuration Options
        BSM Security Configuration Options
        BSM Network Configuration Options
        BSM SIP Configuration Options
        BSM SIP Listening Point Configuration Options
        SIP Proxy Header Configuration Options
        BSM SIP Security Configuration Options
        Main Database Configuration Options
        BRM Configuration Options
        Kafka Configuration Options
      CPD Configuration
      Web UI Configuration
      Apache Kafka Configuration
        Configuring Apache Kafka producer properties
        Configuring Apache Kafka topics output from BVR
      Multiple Network Interfaces
      Weight and Priority usage in the Blueworx Platform
    BRM Operation
      The brm command
      Starting and Stopping BRM
      Monitoring BRM
      Checking connected BRMs, BVRs and License Usage
      Using an Apache Kafka Producer for Logging and Tracing
    BAM Operation
      The bam command
      Starting and Stopping BAM
      Monitoring BAM
      Application Profile Configuration on BAM
      Using an Apache Kafka Producer for Logging and Tracing
      Cache Management Using BAM
    BSM Operation
      The bsm command
      Starting and Stopping BSM
      Monitoring BSM
      SIP Message Monitoring
      Using an Apache Kafka Producer for Logging and Tracing
    BVR Operation
      The bvr command
      Starting and Stopping BVR
      Monitoring BVR
      SIP Message Monitoring
      MRCP Message Monitoring
      Capturing Audio and/or SIP Flow of Calls
      Call and Conference Detail Records (CDR)
        Outputting CDRs to PostgreSQL
      Application logging
      Using an Apache Kafka Producer for Logging and Tracing
      Kafka Producers
      Topic blueworx.application
      Topic blueworx.cdr
      Topic blueworx.error
      Topic blueworx.event
      Topic blueworx.status
      Topic blueworx.license
      Topic blueworx.trace
      Example Kafka Consumer for Logging and Tracing
    Linux Services
    CPD Operation
  Application Support
        How it Works
        JSON Request Format
        JSON Response Format
        How it Works
        JSON Request Format
        JSON Response Format
        JSON Examples
        Request Response Example
        Session Variable Examples
        Status v1 API
        Status v2 API
        Status v2 Detail API
      VoiceXML language
        VoiceXML elements and attributes
        VoiceXML declaring variables
        VoiceXML internal variable encryption
        Single DTMF Hotword Barge-in
        Using VXML to play DTMFs
      VoiceXML and SIP
        VoiceXML and SIP Incoming Header Access
        VoiceXML and SIP Outgoing Header Access
      VoiceXML Call Transfer and Bridging
      VoiceXML with CCXML for Call Transfer and Bridging
      VoiceXML with Speech Service Locales
      VoiceXML arbitrary MRCP Vendor Specific Parameters
      VoiceXML Caching
      Genesys CTI with VoiceXML
      Using Speech To Text (STT) engines
        Google Speech To Text (STT) supported parameters
        IBM Cloud Speech To Text (STT) supported parameters
      Integration with Virtual Assistants
        Dialogflow Virtual Assistant Specifics
        Watson Virtual Assistant Specifics
      VoiceXML and Call Recording
      CCXML language
        What is CCXML?
        Using ECMAScript
        CCXML Elements
        CCXML Events
        BVR Specific Messages and Events for Call Transfer
        Basic HTTP Event I/O Processor
        Session Creation Event I/O Processor
      CCXML and SIP
        CCXML and SIP Incoming Header Access
        CCXML and SIP Outgoing Header Access
        Recording calls using SIPREC
      CCXML Call Transfer and Bridging
        CCXML Blind/Consult Transfers
        Using <join> to Bridge Calls
        Using <merge> to Hand Off Calls
      CCXML Conference Support
      CCXML Outbound Calling
      CCXML Caching
      Call Progress Detection
        Using Call Progress Detection
        Event Notification
        Example AMD Scenarios
      Integration with VoiceXML
      Overriding TTS Parameters in VoiceXML using CCXML
      Integration with IBM Watson through IBM Voice Gateway
      Integration with IBM Watson Assistant
      Integration with Google Dialogflow
      Integration with Amazon Lex
      CCXML DTMF Support
      Recording calls in CCXML
        Recording calls in CCXML using SIPREC
        Recording calls in CCXML
    Call Features Support in BVR
    Transfer Types Supported in BVR
    Secure SIP
    Secure RTP
    Resource Fetching
    Centralised Outbound Calling API
    Web UI
    Cipher Suites
    Logging and Tracing
    Keystores, Truststores and Certificates
      Setting up a Keystore
      Getting a certificate signed by a Certificate Authority
      Adding a Certificate Authority to a Truststore (or Keystore)
      Useful Keystore/Truststore related commands
      Debugging a TLS Connection
    Redundancy Overview
    Redundancy Configuration
    Dynamic Cluster Reconfiguration
    Starting a Redundant Cluster
    Redundant Platform Example
    Minimum Redundant Cluster Configuration
  Resource Caching
    VoiceXML Caching
    CCXML Caching
    TTS Caching
  Sample Applications
  Problem Determination
    Error logging and Trace
      Error and Trace files
      BVR Error and Trace Outputs
      Trace File Locations
      File and Kafka Message Format
      Controlling Tracing and Logging
    Problem Data Collection
    Web UI
    Apache Kafka
    CCXML Tracing
    VoiceXML Tracing
    SIP Message Tracing
    MRCP Message Tracing