When creating an Apache Kafka broker there are a number of properties that can be specified depending on the requirements of your systems. These properties can include security settings which need to be configured in the BVR producers to communicate with the Kafka broker.
To enable you to setup the BVR Apache Kafka producers in the way you require you can specify default and producer specific Java properties files to set custom producer properties. A sample properties file is provided in:
To specify your own property settings follow this procedure:
You should then restart BVR to have the changes take effect.
For a full list of properties, see Apache Kafka documentation - Producer Configs.
Default properties
If no properties file is specified, BVR will attempt to connect to the Apache Kafka broker using the following properties:
Name | Default |
bootstrap.servers | localhost:9092 |
acks | all |
key.serializer | org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer |
value.serializer | org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer |
The values for key.serializer and value.serializer cannot be overriden in the properties file. These values will also have to be used when writing a custom Apache Kafka consumer.