Google Speech To Text (STT) supported parameters


BVR includes support to configure some aspects of the Google STT engine. These paramters are specified in the "stt_parms" key/value pairs.

Google STT supported parameters

These are the supported parameters that will be sent to the Google STT engine. Specific information on these parameters can be found in the Google documentation

Note that all of these parameters are optional.

Variable Type Default Description
model string phone_call Model for processing audio.
single_utterance boolean false Whether to just recognize a single utterance. The model must be "phone_call" for this to work.
interim_results boolean true If true return potential/interim results along with the final result.
automatic_punctuation_enabled boolean false If true add punctuation to the result. In the Google documentation this is known as "enable_automatic_punctuation".
enable_word_time_offsets boolean false If true the results will contain start and end timestamps for the words.
max_alternatives integer 1 Maximum number of recognition hypotheses to return.
profanity_filter boolean false If true the SST engine will attempt to filter out profanities, replacing letters with asterisks.
use_enhanced boolean true If true use an enchanced version of the model.