Installing the Blueworx Yum repository on Rocky Linux 9

Note: All commands must be run as root, or as a user with root privileges using the sudo command.

All Blueworx software is installed and updated using a Yum repository. Before you install the Blueworx packages, you need to install the Blueworx Yum repository on your system. To do this run the following command:

yum-config-manager --add-repo

You will need to have the yum-utils package installed to use the yum-config-manager command. If you do not have this, install by running:

yum install yum-utils

If you are unable to install yum-utils, you can use wget to manually install:

wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/blueworx.repo
Note: If your server does not have internet access, refer to these instructions: Manual installation of Blueworx packages.