A redundant cluster of the BRM component must consist of multiple BRM servers. There must be at least three servers and ideally an odd number of servers. Each BRM server has to hold configuration information for the entire redundant BRM cluster. The remaining components in the Blueworx Platform also have to hold configuration information for the redundant BRM's. The following section describes in detail the configuration parameters that have to be set on each of the Blueworx Platform components.
There is also a reference diagram of a Blueworx Platform redundant cluster with examples of the configuration sections for each component that can be used as a guide when setting up a redundant environment here: Redundant Platform Example
Update brm.config to make sure that the correct port is being used:
Edit brm.config and make sure that the port in the [brm] section matches the clientPort setting in zoo.cfg
See here for a description of the port parameter: BRM General Configuration Options
Create a myid file on each of the BRM servers in the cluster that contains a unique identifier for the server:
On each server in the cluster run the command:
echo x > /opt/blueworx/rm/zookeeper/data_dir/myid.
Where x is replaced by an increasing integer starting at 1.
For example, on the first server run echo 1 > /opt/blueworx/rm/zookeeper/data_dir/myid, on the second server run: echo 2 > /opt/blueworx/rm/zookeeper/data_dir/myid, etc.
Each BRM server in the cluster must have a matching zoo.cfg:
On one BRM server, copy the supplied /opt/blueworx/rm/config/zookeeper/zoo.quorum.cfg.sample into the $BRM_CONF directory and name it zoo.cfg
cp /opt/blueworx/rm/config/zookeeper/zoo.quorum.cfg.sample $BRM_CONF/zoo.cfg
Open the new zoo.cfg for editing and modify the following 3 lines:
server.1=serverA:2888:3888 server.2=serverB:2888:3888 server.3=serverC:2888:3888
Replace serverA, serverB and serverC with the IP addresses or hostnames of the matching BRM servers in the cluster.
Where matching refers to the numeric value (server.1, server.2 etc.) and the myid value used in the instructions above.
If dynamic cluster reconfiguration is to be used the following entries must be added.
reconfigEnabled=true standaloneEnabled=false skipACL=true
Copy the configured zoo.cfg to the other BRM servers in the cluster.
All BVR servers need to be configured with the hostnames or IP addresses of each of the BRM servers in the redundant cluster. This is configured by setting the address and port in the [brm] section of $BVR_CONF/bvr.config:
For more information on the [brm] section of the BVR configuration see here: BRM Configuration Options
All BAM servers need to be configured with the hostnames or IP addresses of each of the BRM servers in the redundant cluster. This is configured by setting the address and port in the [brm] section of $BAM_CONF/bam.config:
For more information on the [brm] section of the BAM configuration see here: BRM Configuration Options
All BSM servers need to be configured with the hostnames or IP addresses of each of the BRM servers in the redundant cluster. This is configured by setting the address and port in the [brm] section of $BSM_CONF/bsm.config:
For more information on the [brm] section of the BSM configuration see here: BRM Configuration Options