CCXML Events

Table 1 shows the CCXML events defined by the CCXML specification, and describes the level of implementation in Blueworx Voice Response for each event and their fields.

Table 1. Summary of CCXML connection events and their fields
Event Level of implementation Implemented Fields

More information on this event and associated variables can be found in Recording calls in CCXML

  • type
  • inbound
  • outbound
  • uri
  • operation
cancel.successful Full
  • name
  • sendid
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
ccxml.created Full
  • name
  • sessionid
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype

If the session has a parent, ccxml.exit is generated when a CCXML document executes an <exit>, with an unhandled error.* or ccxml.kill event.

  • name
  • sessionid
  • expr
  • namelist
  • values.*
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
  • reason
ccxml.kill Full
  • name
  • reason
  • sessionid
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
ccxml.kill.unconditional Partial

Not supported with a <send> element for security reasons.

  • name
  • sessionid
  • reason
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
ccxml.loaded Full
  • name
  • sessionid
  • parent
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
connection.alerting Full
  • name
  • connectionid
  • protocol
  • info
  • connection
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
connection.connected Full
  • name
  • connectionid
  • protocol
  • info
  • connection
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
connection.disconnected Full
  • name
  • connectionid
  • protocol
  • reason
  • info
  • connection
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
  • trigger
connection.failed Full
  • name
  • connectionid
  • protocol
  • reason
  • info
  • connection
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
connection.merged Full
  • name
  • connectionid
  • protocol
  • info
  • connection
  • mergeid
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
connection.merge.failed Full
  • name
  • connectionid
  • protocol
  • info
  • connection
  • mergeid
  • reason
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
connection.progressing Full
  • name
  • connectionid
  • protocol
  • info
  • connection
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
connection.redirected None  
connection.signal Full
  • name
  • dtmf
  • connectionid
  • protocol
  • info
  • connection
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
dialog.disconnect Partial

conferenceid not supported

  • name
  • dialog
  • dialogid
  • connectionid
  • namelist
  • values.*
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
dialog.exit Partial

conferenceid not supported

  • name
  • dialog
  • dialogid
  • connectionid
  • namelist
  • values.*
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
dialog.prepared Full
  • name
  • dialog
  • dialogid
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
dialog.started Partial

conferenceid not supported

  • name
  • dialog
  • dialogid
  • connectionid
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
dialog.terminatetransfer None  
dialog.transfer Partial

conferenceid not supported

  • name
  • dialog
  • dialogid
  • connectionid
  • type
  • uri
  • namelist
  • values.*
  • maxtime
  • connecttimeout
  • aai
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
dialog.user.* None  
error.connection None  

More information on this event and associated variables can be found in Recording calls in CCXML

  • type
  • inbound
  • outbound
  • uri
  • operation
  • reason
error.connection.wrongstate Full
  • name
  • connectionid
  • protocol
  • reason
  • info
  • connection
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
  • tagname
error.createccxml Full
  • name
  • sessionid
  • reason
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
error.dialog Partial

conferenceid not supported

  • name
  • dialog
  • dialogid
  • connectionid
  • reason
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
error.dialog.notprepared Full
  • name
  • dialog
  • dialogid
  • reason
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
error.dialog.notstarted Partial

conferenceid not supported

  • name
  • dialog
  • dialogid
  • connectionid
  • reason
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
error.fetch Full
  • name
  • fetchid
  • reason
  • statuscode
  • uri
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
error.ibmwvr.consult, error.bvr.consult  
  • name
  • connectionid
  • sendid
  • reason
error.ibmwvr.transfer, error.bvr.transfer  
  • name
  • connectionid
  • sendid
  • reason
error.ibmwvr.conference, error.bvr.conference  
  • name
  • connectionid
  • sendid
  • reason
error.ibmwvr.consult.transfer, error.bvr.consult.transfer  
  • name
  • connectionid
  • sendid
  • reason
error.ibmwvr.consult.conference, error.bvr.consult.conference  
  • name
  • connectionid
  • sendid
  • reason
error.ibmwvr.consult.retrieve, error.bvr.consult.retrieve  
  • name
  • connectionid
  • sendid
  • reason
error.move Full
  • name
  • sourceid
  • sessionid
  • reason
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
error.notallowed Full
  • name
  • sessionid
  • id
  • connectionid
  • reason
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
  • tagname
error.semantic Full
  • name
  • reason
  • tagname
  • attributelist.*
  • scope
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
error.send.targettypeinvalid Full
  • name
  • sendid
  • reason
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
error.send.targetunavailable Full
  • name
  • sendid
  • reason
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
error.send.failed Full
  • name
  • sendid
  • reason
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
error.unsupported Full
  • name
  • reason
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
fetch.done Full
  • name
  • fetchid
  • uri
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
ibmwvr.consult.successful, bvr.consult.successful  
  • name
  • connectionid
  • sendid
ibmwvr.transfer.successful, bvr.transfer.successful  
  • name
  • connectionid
  • sendid
ibmwvr.conference.successful, bvr.conference.successful  
  • name
  • connectionid
  • sendid
ibmwvr.consult.transfer.successful, bvr.consult.transfer.successful  
  • name
  • connectionid
  • sendid
ibmwvr.consult.conference.successful, bvr.consult.conference.successful  
  • name
  • connectionid
  • sendid
ibmwvr.consult.retrieve.successful, bvr.consult.retrieve.successful  
  • name
  • connectionid
  • sendid
move.successful Full
  • name
  • sourceid
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype
send.successful Full
  • name
  • sendid
  • eventid
  • eventsource
  • eventsourcetype