Application report The Application report summarizes call activity in specific categories by voice application. Information is accumulated and summarized at intervals for the entire reporting period. Reported data can be used to determine the busy hour load for an application and also provide insight into how application calls are being terminated. This information can reveal problem areas in application usage. For example, a high rate of caller disconnects at a particular point in an application may indicate caller confusion or frustration due to inadequate instructions.
Event report The Event report summarizes the number of times events defined as system events occur while an application is executing. Event tracking is based on LogEvent actions defined in a state table (for more information about LogEvent actions, see the Designing and Managing State Table Applications information). Reported data can provide insight into how callers are using a voice application. You can use this information to detect problems and to fine tune an application.
HostApplErrors report The HostApplErrors report summarizes the maximum number of sessions that were unavailable to a host application due to communication errors or access problems encountered by 3270 server scripts. Total LU errors are also reported. Statistics are reported at 30-minute intervals for the reporting period.
HostApplUsage report The HostApplUsage report summarizes maximum session availability and usage per host application, reporting statistics at 30-minute intervals. Statistics show the maximum number of sessions configured to a host application in contrast to the maximum number of sessions that were available, used, or disabled.
HostLinkErrors report The HostLinkErrors report summarizes the maximum number of sessions lost for a specific host link due to communication errors or access problems encountered by 3270 server scripts. Total LU errors are also reported. Reported statistics are accumulated and summarized at 30-minute intervals within the reporting period.
HostLinkUsage report The HostLinkUsage Report summarizes maximum (high water mark) session availability and usage per host link, reporting statistics at 30-minute intervals. Statistics show the maximum number of sessions configured to a host link (not the maximum number of sessions that were available, used, or disabled).
SystemStats report The SystemStats report summarizes system availability and maximum resource usage at 30-minute intervals within the reporting period. These statistics include the total number of minutes the system was available, together with maximum percentages for CPU, disk, buffer, and page space usage. These statistics can be used as one indicator of overall system performance.
Termination report The Termination report keeps track of where callers were in the call flow at the time of call termination. Terminations are summed by termination type (application hangup or caller hangup), according to the value of system variable SV162 at the time of call termination. The reported information can help you pinpoint the source of any problems callers may be having with a voice application.
Traffic report The Traffic report provides statistics on how channels are being used, including the total number of calls received per channel, call disposition (application disconnect or caller disconnect), and call duration. Statistical data is accumulated and summarized on a per channel basis over the reporting period.