SystemStats report

The SystemStats report summarizes system availability and maximum resource usage at 30-minute intervals within the reporting period. These statistics include the total number of minutes the system was available, together with maximum percentages for CPU, disk, buffer, and page space usage. These statistics can be used as one indicator of overall system performance.

Figure 1. The SystemStats report
SystemStats report

System: luton                                 Printed: Apr 22, 1997 at 19:38
Activity from: April 22, 1997                             To: April 22, 1997
    Time |      Minutes     Max %CPU    Max %Disk  Max %Buffer   Max %Page
  Period |   Sys Active         Used         Used         Used  Space Used
   18:00 |           17           58           27            1          73
   18:30 |           30           80           27            4          78
   19:00 |           30           17           27            4          76
   19:30 |            8            4           27            4          73
   Total |           85           80           27            4          78
Time Period
The specific 30-minute interval.
Minutes Sys Active
How many minutes Blueworx Voice Response was active during the 30-minute interval.
Max %CPU Used
The maximum percentage of CPU usage during the 30-minute interval.
Max %Disk Used
The maximum percentage of disk usage during the 30-minute interval.
Max %Buffer Used
The maximum percentage of buffer usage during the 30-minute interval.
Max %Page Space Used
The maximum percentage of page space usage during the 30-minute interval.
The totals for all statistics across all time periods.