HostApplUsage report

The HostApplUsage report summarizes maximum session availability and usage per host application, reporting statistics at 30-minute intervals. Statistics show the maximum number of sessions configured to a host application in contrast to the maximum number of sessions that were available, used, or disabled.

Figure 1. The HostApplUsage report
HostApplUsage report

System: luton                                 Printed: Apr 23, 1997 at 13:37
Activity from: April 23, 1997                             To: April 23, 1997
Application:       test_cases
    Time |      Max LUs      Max LUs      Max LUs      Max LUs
  Period |       Config        Ready    Allocated     Disabled
   11:00 |           11            0            0            0
   11:30 |           11            0            0            0
   12:00 |           11            0            0            0
   12:30 |           11            0            0            0
   13:00 |           11            0            0            0
   13:30 |           11            0            0            0
   Total |           66           0            0            0
The host application.
Time Period
The 30-minute interval to which reported statistics apply.
Max LUs Config
The maximum number of sessions configured to the host application at any one time.
Max LUs Ready
The maximum number of sessions available to the host application.
Max LUs Allocated
The maximum number of sessions invoked by the 3270 executor.
Max LUs Disabled
The maximum number of sessions that were manually disabled.