Termination report

The Termination report keeps track of where callers were in the call flow at the time of call termination. Terminations are summed by termination type (application hangup or caller hangup), according to the value of system variable SV162 at the time of call termination. The reported information can help you pinpoint the source of any problems callers may be having with a voice application.

By default, SV162 contains the label of the state from which the application branched or fell through to the CloseEverything or TerminateCall action to terminate a call. However, the voice application developer can use an AssignData action to assign a different value to the variable for cases in which different information would be more useful.

Figure 1. The Termination report
Termination report

System: luton                                 Printed: Apr 22, 1997 at 19:39
Activity from: April 22, 1997                             To: April 22, 1997
Application:          Welcome
             State |        Total         Appl       Caller
                   |        Calls      Hangups      Hangups
            answer |            3            2            1
             Total |            3            2            1
                 % |                        66%          33%
The voice application.
A particular state.
Total Calls
The total number of call terminations that occurred at the named state.
Appl Hangups
The number of calls that were terminated due to application disconnects.
Caller Hangups
The number of calls that were terminated due to caller disconnects.
A grand total and overall percentage for each report category.