This section sets out detailed instructions for installing
a new release of the Blueworx Voice Response software, or
migrating from a previous release of the product:
Starting the migration process This procedure begins the migration process. The migration instructions provided in this information refer only to migration from Blueworx Voice ResponseVersion 6.1 or Version 4.2. If you are upgrading to Version 7 from any earlier release, please contact Blueworx Support for advice.
Setting up the AIX account (standalone system only) Use this procedure whether you have just installed a standalone Blueworx Voice Response system for the first time, or have migrated from a previous release.
Restarting AIX AIX shuts down and restarts to make all changes take effect.
Creating the Blueworx Voice Response database This procedure is used once you have installed Blueworx Voice Response. It creates the Blueworx Voice Response database tables, and loads the base application objects, such as state tables, system prompts and voice directories.
Completing the migration process It is now time to complete the migration process started in Starting the migration process. The migration process differs slightly based on the type of migration. In the in-place case, data such as voice will already be present on the file system and so only the new DB2 10.5 database will need updating. In the new hardware case this data will not be present on the file system so will require migrating along with the DB2 10.5 database update.