Upgrading DB2

Use this procedure when you are migrating Blueworx Voice Response from a previous release

Use this procedure to install DB2 10.5 on a Power System that already has Blueworx Voice Response Blueworx Voice Response installed.

In this case you will be installing DB2 10.5 alongside either DB2 9.5 or DB2 10.1.

If a problem occurs during installation, use the information and instructions in the AIX documentation. Informational and warning messages displayed by Blueworx Voice Response are explained in the Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Problem Determination information.

  1. Ensure BVR is not running:log in as dtuser, then use your preferred method to shutdown BVR. For example:

    causes an immediate shutdown.

  2. Ensure DB2 is not running:log in as dtdb23in, then enter the following commands:
    db2 force applications all
    db2 terminate
  3. Establish if BVR is using DB2 9.5 or 10.1:log in as dtuser, then type the following command and press Enter:
     env | grep DT6_DB2_PRODUCT_VERSION
  4. Remove DB2 9.5 or 10.1 Symbolic Links: Log in as root, then type one of the following commands and press Enter:
     /opt/IBM/db2/V9.5/cfg/db2rmln or /opt/IBM/db2/V10.1/cfg/db2rmln
  5. Install DB2: Follow the instructions in Installing DB2 for the first time