bvi_list: Batch Voice list utility


Build a file containing information about segments in the current Blueworx Voice Response voice segment database in a format compatible with that produced by bvi_desc.


bvi_list creates a file containing the characteristics of a range of segments in a specified voice segment database.

This file format is exactly the same as that created by bvi_desc, allowing an existing voice directory to be updated easily with new voice data.

This diagram shows the voice segment database as input to the bvi_list utility, which outputs its descriptions to the same file as used by bvi_desc. bvi_list uses control parameters from the bvi.control file.

Control parameters

The bvi_list utility uses the following control parameters from the bvi.control file:

LANGUAGE (supplied value: 1 (U.S. English))
Specifies the default language of the voice segment database in which the voice segments are stored.
LIST_DESCR_FILE_NAME (supplied value: bvi.descr)
Specifies the name of the description file to be created by bvi_list.

For information about the file format, see bvi_desc: Batch Voice description utility.

After opening the BVI Custom Server Import window as described in Starting the BVI custom server:

Start the list utility by typing bvi_list on the command line and pressing Enter.

The utility prompts you to enter:

You can now use bvi_desc to modify voice segments and their descriptive information before re-importing them into the database.