How to use Blueworx Voice Response state
tables and state table actions to get a server to access data.
Figure 1. Accessing data using custom servers and 3270 servers (for
example, a system/390 server)
To invoke a server to access data, you must set up one or more Blueworx Voice Response state
tables to do the following:
- Initiate dialog with your customer.
- Receive and control customer requests.
- Activate the server when required, passing request parameters
as necessary.
- Log system events or detail records as needed.
- Activate an appropriate response based on the results achieved
by the server.
The state table actions used to access data are:
- OpenHostServerLink: Establishes a connection
to a server.
- GetFindData: Requests a list of items
that match or begin with a specified generic key.
- SendData: Sends request data to the
- ReceiveData: Receives responses from
the server.
- CloseServerHostLink: Closes the session
and disconnects the link to the server.
Refer to the Blueworx Voice Response for AIX:
Application Development using State Tables information for information about these actions.