Using Blueworx Voice Response to translate help text

To translate help text into another language, use this procedure and the editor that is provided with Blueworx Voice Response.

Help text is sometimes updated with Blueworx Voice Response PTFs. If you install a PTF after translating your help text, perform this procedure again.

Unless you have already translated the display text, window titles are displayed in the language that is used as the source for the window text. To translate the window titles, use the procedure that is given in Using Blueworx Voice Response to translate display text or in Using another editor to translate display text .

The help text editor does not include an automatic line wrap feature. When you are translating text and the line is going to extend beyond the edge of the window, press <Enter> to start a new line. <Enter> does not create a "hard" carriage return (start a new paragraph). When Blueworx Voice Response formats the help text, it starts new lines that are related to the window size, not to where you pressed <Enter>. It starts new paragraphs when it finds a :p. tag (described in Table 1). Note that, if you print help text from the help text editor, the print program does not include an automatic line wrap feature; therefore, it truncates each line of the printed copy after 80 columns.


  1. From the Welcome window, select Configuration —> Help Editor.
  2. Selecting the language: Click the language into which you are translating the help text.

    The system lists the titles of the main windows.

  3. Opening a main file: To translate help text in a main file, click the file.
  4. Click Main and Open the file.

    The system displays the file.

  5. Opening a work file: To translate help text for a work window, click the name of the main window from which you access the work window.

    The system adds the titles of the work windows to the display.

  6. Click the file.
  7. Click Work and Open the file.

    The system displays the file.

  8. Opening a field file: To translate help text in a field file, click the name of the main window from which you access the work window on which the menu is located.

    The system displays the titles of the work windows that are accessible from the main window.

  9. Click the name of the work window on which the menu is located.

    The system lists all menu actions that are accessible from the work window.

  10. Click the file.
  11. Click Field and Open the file.

    The system displays the file.

  12. Translating the help text: To translate by editing the existing text, make your changes to the text that is on the right (the Current Work).
  13. To translate by rewriting the existing text, click Clear and type in the new text.
  14. To discard any changes you have made and copy the existing text to start again, click Copy Original.
  15. Checking the format: To display your changed text as it will appear when it is formatted, click Options —> Format Current.
  16. To display the original format, click Options —> Format Original.
  17. Saving the translated text: Click File —> Save.

    The translated version is now available when windows are displayed in the new language.

  18. Translating additional text: Click File —> Close.

    The system displays the list of window titles.

  19. Open another file by repeating Steps 3 and 4, 5 through 7, or 8 through 11 and then repeating the rest of this procedure.

When you are finished, Close the Help Editor window.