Find out the channel group to which a specified channel and pack belongs.
The signaling interface library (libsl.a).
C syntax
#include <slsigpr.h>
SL_RET_CODE sl_query_channel_group (
int iVpackNo,
int iChannelNo,
int * piChannelGroupId
This subroutine allows the signaling process to determine the channel group
to which a specified channel belongs. Each channel, on each trunk belongs
to one of 16 channel groups. The signaling process should query the channel
groups for any channel it is interested in whenever system configuration changes
(see SL_TRUNK_RECONFIG_REQ primitive).
When Blueworx Voice Response requests an outgoing call using the SL_CALL_SETUP_REQ primitive, it specifies which channel groups are acceptable. This is
why the signaling process needs to know the channel-to-channel-group mapping.
- iVpackNo
- The required pack, in the range SL_MIN_TRUNK_ID to SL_MAX_TRUNK_ID (see Pack and channel numbers).
- iChannelNo
- The required channel in the range SL_MIN_CHANNEL_ID to SL_MAX_CHANNEL_ID (see Pack and channel numbers).
- piChannelGroupId
- Pointer to the returned channel group identifier. This will either be SL_CHANNEL_GROUP_NONE if the specified channel and pack do not
belong to a configured channel group, or a channel group identifier in the
range SL_MIN_CHANNEL_GROUP_ID to SL_MAX_CHANNEL_GROUP_ID (see Channel groups).
Return values
- Successful.
- Invalid value specified for iVpackNo or iChannelNo.
- Invalid parameter value: piChannelGroupId==NULL.
- An error occurred reading the Blueworx Voice Response signaling interface configuration.