If the signaling process can reliably detect when the far end hangs up, the signaling process should create an SL_CALL_TERMINATE_IND primitive when this occurs, and send it to Blueworx Voice Response using the sl_send_indication() subroutine. To prevent duplicate hang-ups, if the channel associated signaling for the trunk provides positive indication of far end hang-up, for example, E&M or R2, this event is ignored by default.
This is a precaution to prevent the accidental clearing of new incoming calls which might occur if the exchange data link message is delayed until after a new call has arrived on the channel.
If you are sure that exchange data link messages will not be seriously delayed, or are willing to accept the accidental clearing of new incoming calls, the CAS - Allow Alternate Hangup system parameter (see the Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Configuring the System information) can be enabled to prevent the SL_CALL_TERMINATE_IND primitive being ignored.