When Blueworx Voice Response does not initiate outbound calls, check the following:
- Is at least one trunk in service?
- Before Blueworx Voice Response can place a call, at least one of the trunk lines that
connects the telephone network must have the status InService. Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Configuring the System describes
how to activate a trunk. Either use this information to reset the value of
the Operating Status parameter that controls trunk initialization
status and recycle Blueworx Voice Response (shut it down and restart it), or use the System
Monitor to activate one trunk dynamically.
- Is at least one channel configured as Outgoing or Bothway?
- Unless at least one channel on an InService trunk is configured to process
outgoing calls, Blueworx Voice Response cannot place an outgoing call. Check the Direction setting for each trunk, using Pack Configuration.
If you
are using the MakeCall action, set SV178 (System : Call : Permitted
channel groups system variable) correctly. See MakeCall in Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Application Development using State Tables.
- Is the switch configured for outbound calls?
- The switch must be configured to allow outbound calls on the channel
or channels on which Blueworx Voice Response is trying to use to make calls. Check the Direction setting for each trunk, by using Pack Configuration.
- Are you using a signaling process that you developed yourself?
- Have you configured Blueworx Voice Response to use your signaling process? (See Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Configuring the System for more information.)
Check that your signaling process
is receiving the SL_CALL_SETUP_REQ primitive.
Check that your
signaling process is returning the SL_CALL_SETUP_CNF primitive to Blueworx Voice Response,
and that the sl_send_confirm() subroutine is returning successfully.
Use signaling interface tracing the see the primitive sent by Blueworx Voice Response to
your signaling process. For information on tracing signaling interfaces, see Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Programming for the Signaling Interface.