This information describes how to isolate and diagnose problems that you might find while using the Blueworx Voice Response for AIX® with DirectTalk® Technology voice processing system.
Throughout this information, the Blueworx Voice Response for AIX voice processing system is referred to as Blueworx Voice Response.
If you are a newcomer to Blueworx Voice Response, start with Introducing Blueworx Voice Response support, which describes the manuals and other support available for the product. Then read Analyzing the problem, which describes how to handle any problems with Blueworx Voice Response, and also explains how to get additional help from Blueworx Support.
If you have a problem with Blueworx Voice Response, use the information provided in Solving Blueworx Voice Response problems to solve it.
If you get a message when migrating or importing data, look it up in Messages issued during migration or import.
If you get a numbered Blueworx Voice Response message in the error.log on the System Monitor, refer to it in Blueworx Voice Response messages identified by number, which is organized by message number.