Installation of a combined SS7 Server and Blueworx Voice Response client

This section tells you how to install SS7 Support for Blueworx Voice Response on an AIX machine for both SS7 Server and Blueworx Voice Response client configuration. There are five stages to installing and configuring the SS7 Server:

  1. Pre-installation
  2. Installing the D7 and the D7 Enablement packages
  3. Configuring the Blueworx Voice Response client and SS7 Cluster.
  4. Configuring the AIX machine for Blueworx Voice Response client and SS7 Server usage.
  5. Installation and configuration complete


Before installing these software package read the README.TXT file on the CD-ROM to see if there any special instructions.

Installing the D7 and the D7 Enablement packages

Use the following procedure to install the D7 and the D7 Enablement packages on your AIX machine:
  1. Logon with a user id of root.
  2. Using smitty, install the following file sets:
    • dirTalk.SS7_D7_Enablement (D7 Enablement, from the base Blueworx Voice Response package)
    • D7.isup (D7, from the SS7 Support for Blueworx Voice Response CD). Refer to the readme file located in /usr/lpp/dirTalk/readme/SS7README, as this stipulates which level of D7 is required. If more than one level is required, install the packages in chronological order, then refer to D7 software release to select the relevant package, before proceeding.
  3. Now copy the relevant Distributed7 license for this machine (see Licensing the Distributed7 package) into /usr/ss8/d7/access/etc/license.dat .
The D7 package is installed into the /usr/ss8/d7 directory, and the D7 Enablement package is installed into /usr/lpp/dirTalk, creating a dtuser user id. This user id has not yet been assigned a password, and so can only be accessed via the root user id..

Configuring for combined Blueworx Voice Response client and SS7 Cluster

If this is a first machine, refer to Configuration using SS7itty. Otherwise, if this is a second or subsequent machine for the same cluster, follow the instructions below:

  1. Logon as dtuser.
  2. Change directory to /usr/lpp/dirTalk/db/current_dir/ca/SS7_D7_cfg, then use the mkdir command to create a directory with the same name as this machine (the name returned if you enter the hostname –s command).
    Note: If the /usr/lpp/dirTalk/db/current_dir/ca/SS7_D7_cfg directory does not exist, create it by running the ss7itty command, followed by exit.
  3. Using ftp, connect the original SS7 Server on which the SS7itty command was entered.
  4. Using the ftp commands cd and lcd, change both the local and remote directories to /usr/lpp/dirTalk/db/current_dir/ca/SS7_D7_cfg/AnyMachine.
  5. Using the ftp command mget *, copy all files in this directory.
  6. Change both local and remote directories to /usr/lpp/dirTalk/db/current_dir/ca/SS7_D7_cfg/hostname.
  7. Using the ftp command mget *, copy all files in this directory.
  8. Exit from ftp.

Configuring the AIX machine for Blueworx Voice Response client and SS7 Server usage

This section describes how to configure the machine for Blueworx Voice Response client and SS7 Server operation.
  1. Logon as dtuser.
  2. Enter the command SS7_MAINT, and select the following options:
SS7 Server/Blueworx Voice Response client
Configure machine as a combined SS7 Server and Blueworx Voice Response client.
Once completed the AIX machine is configured for SS7 Server and Blueworx Voice Response client operation. The status line shown just before the prompt should show:
<name> is configured for combined D7 Blueworx Voice Response and SS7 Server usage
Return to top level menu
D7 Operation (Start/Stop)
Start the D7 package with Alarm Message to screen. The following text appears:
Starting D7 package
Application Process Manager - Version v1.3.1
Copyright (c) 1991-2004, SS8 Networks, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
D7 Status - [init] : D7 core starting
Select an option :
Master Event Log Daemon - Version v1.3.1
Copyright (c) 1991-2004, SS8 Networks, Inc.
All Rights Reserved	
Signalling Point Manager - Version v1.3.1
Copyright (c) 1991-2004, SS8 Networks, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Network Manager - Version v1.3.1
Copyright (c) 1991-2004, SS8 Networks, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
+                                                 +
+              <<< IMPORTANT NOTE >>>             +
+                                                 +
+  Operations of the Application Process Manager  +
+  are now suspended indefinitely !!!             +
+                                                 +
+  To continue, use either MMI/MML or AccessMOB   +
+  interface to set the product operation mode    +
+  (i.e., stand-alone vs. distributed) and        +
+  introduce any remote host machines involved.   +
+                                                 +
+  It is only after you perform these tasks,      +
+  Application Process Manager will resume its    +
+  normal operations & proceed with its routine   +
+  system software initialization/start-up ...    +
+                                                 +
Ignore the message in the "Important Note" and press Enter to recover the command prompt.
Return to top level menu
MML configuration loader
Load Host MML configuration for this machine. The following text appears:
*** Script loading operation - completed
Loading the script has been successful
The log output can be reviewed in /usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/ss7/log/mml-host.log
After about 30-60 seconds the following text appears:
Alarm Daemon - Version v1.3.1
Copyright (c) 1991-2004, SS8 Networks, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Distributed Shared Memory Manager - Version v1.3.1
Copyright (c) 1991-2004, SS8 Networks, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Distributed Kernel Memory Manager - Version v1.3.1
Copyright (c) 1991-2004, SS8 Networks, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
User Part Manager - Version v1.3.1
Copyright (c) 1991-2004, SS8 Networks, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
ISDN User Part - Version v1.3.1
Copyright (c) 1991-2004, SS8 Networks, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

If this is the first of two SS7 Servers, you should now suspend installation on this server, and repeat on the second server the instructions that you have completed up to this point. Once you have completed that activity on the second server, return to this server and complete the rest of the instructions in this section (note that no further action is required on the second server).

Load SS7 MML configuration. This loads the SS7–specific information, such as card configuration, Link, LinkSets and circuit configuration. The following text appears:
Waiting for MTP to be ready ...
Installing MTP components ...
NOTICE: spmd: pci3xapq[0] configured.
Waiting for ISUP to be ready ...
NOTICE: isup0: configuration started
NOTICE: isup0: database sync in progress ...
NOTICE: isup0: ready
Installing ISUP components ...
*** Script loading operation - completed
Loading the script has been successful
Review the log output in /usr/lpp/dirTalk/db/current_dir/ca/SS7_D7_cfg/log/mml.log
Note: The action of loading this configuration automatically enables other functions, such as activating Links etc. Therefore the text may be interspersed with D7 error messages. This is normal if the remote end of the SS7 link has not yet been configured.
SS7 Server/Blueworx Voice Response client
Configure machine as combined SS7 Server and Blueworx Voice Response client.
Once completed, the AIX machine is configured for SS7 Server and Blueworx Voice Response client operation. The status line shown just before the prompt should show:
<name> is configured for combined D7 Blueworx Voice Response and SS7 Server usage
Return to top level menu
D7 Operation (Start/Stop)
Start the D7 package with Alarm Message to screen. The following text appears:
Starting D7 package
Application Process Manager - Version v1.3.1
Copyright (c) 1991-2004, SS8 Networks, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
D7 Status - [init] : D7 core starting
Select an option :
Master Event Log Daemon - Version v1.3.1
Copyright (c) 1991-2004, SS8 Networks, Inc.
All Rights Reserved	
Signalling Point Manager - Version v1.3.1
Copyright (c) 1991-2004, SS8 Networks, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Network Manager - Version v1.3.1
Copyright (c) 1991-2004, SS8 Networks, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
+                                                 +
+              <<< IMPORTANT NOTE >>>             +
+                                                 +
+  Operations of the Application Process Manager  +
+  are now suspended indefinitely !!!             +
+                                                 +
+  To continue, use either MMI/MML or AccessMOB   +
+  interface to set the product operation mode    +
+  (i.e., stand-alone vs. distributed) and        +
+  introduce any remote host machines involved.   +
+                                                 +
+  It is only after you perform these tasks,      +
+  Application Process Manager will resume its    +
+  normal operations & proceed with its routine   +
+  system software initialization/start-up ...    +
+                                                 +
Ignore the message in the "Important Note" and press Enter to recover the command prompt.
Return to top level menu
MML configuration loader
Load Host MML configuration for this machine. The following text appears:
*** Script loading operation - completed
Loading the script has been successful
The log output can be reviewed in /usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/ss7/log/mml-host.log
After about 30-60 seconds the following text appears:
Alarm Daemon - Version v1.3.1
Copyright (c) 1991-2004, SS8 Networks, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Distributed Shared Memory Manager - Version v1.3.1
Copyright (c) 1991-2004, SS8 Networks, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Distributed Kernel Memory Manager - Version v1.3.1
Copyright (c) 1991-2004, SS8 Networks, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
User Part Manager - Version v1.3.1
Copyright (c) 1991-2004, SS8 Networks, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
ISDN User Part - Version v1.3.1
Copyright (c) 1991-2004, SS8 Networks, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
If this is the first of two SS7 Servers, you should now suspend installation on this server, and repeat on the second server the instructions that you have completed up to this point. Once you have completed that activity on the second server, return to the first server and complete the rest of the instructions in this section (note that no further action is required on the second server).
Load SS7 MML configuration. This loads the SS7–specific information, such as card configuration, Link, LinkSets and circuit configuration. The following text appears:
Waiting for MTP to be ready ...
Installing MTP components ...
NOTICE: spmd: pci3xapq[0] configured.
Waiting for ISUP to be ready ...
NOTICE: isup0: configuration started
NOTICE: isup0: database sync in progress ...
NOTICE: isup0: ready
Installing ISUP components ...
*** Script loading operation - completed
Loading the script has been successful
Review the log output in /usr/lpp/dirTalk/db/current_dir/ca/SS7_D7_cfg/log/mml.log
Note: The action of loading this configuration automatically enables other functions, such as activating Links. Therefore the text may be interspersed with D7 error messages. This is normal if the remote end of the SS7 link has not yet been configured.

Installation and configuration Complete

All the necessary actions to install and configure the Blueworx Voice Response client and the SS7 Server are now completed. Now continue with the installation and configuration for any remaining machines in this SS7 cluster. If error messages are still being generated after all the machines are configured, refer to Problem determinationfor assistance. Once the complete installation of the SS7 cluster has been validated, refer to Putting into production to ensure that all operations have been set to automatic mode.