Generate SS7 Configuration Files

When all the necessary information has been entered into SS7itty, you can generate the configuration. To perform this task, select the Generate SS7 Configuration Files option from the top level menu.

For a successful generation, the screen that is displayed should look similar to the one below:
                                       COMMAND STATUS

Command: OK            stdout: yes           stderr: no

Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below.

Stage 1:  Load environment information.
Stage 2:  Check configuration association.
Stage 3:  Check Trunk usage.
Stage 4:  Check SS7 adapter card usage.

***** Checking data has been successful.

Stage 5:  Creating WebSphere Voice Response Client files.
Stage 6:  Creating Distributed7 files.
Stage 6a: Machine Mercury
Stage 6b: Machine Venue
Stage 6c: Machine Mars

F1=Help                F2=Refresh             F3=Cancel              F6=Command
F8=Image               F9=Shell               F10=Exit               /=Find
n=Find Next
The first four stages of the process check the form of the entered data. The last two stages perform the actual generation of the configuration files. If problems are found during the checking stage, a screen is displayed similar to the one below:
                                       COMMAND STATUS
Command: failed        stdout: yes           stderr: no
Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below.
Stage 1:  Load environment information.
Stage 2:  Check configuration association.
Stage 3:  Check Trunk usage.
---------------- SS7 Trunks to Blueworx Voice Response Trunks/SS7 Trunks -----------
Error:  Trunk 17 is present in the following RouteSets/Clients
        RouteSet/Client: NetworkA/Venus
        RouteSet/Client: NetworkA/Mars
Remedy: Return to the "SS7 Trunks to Blueworx Voice Response Trunks" change screen, select one of
        The of two RouteSets/Clients and review the SS7 Trunks selected.
The configuration generation has been aborted.
F1=Help                F2=Refresh          F3=Cancel           F6=Command
F8=Image               F9=Shell            F10=Exit            /=Find
 n=Find Next

In this example, Network Trunk 17 has been defined for connection with two Blueworx Voice Response systems. Generation has terminated at stage 3, reporting this problem, together with directions about how to possibly rectify the situation.