Up to 255 parameters can be passed from an application to the ADSI state table. These can be substituted into the operands of certain SDC instructions (such as load_virtual_display) at execution time, as follows:
function func name1 name2 {
load_virtual_display "$name1. and $name2.";
lvd "You have $$5 in your account";
In the above example, whatever is passed to func in name1 and name2 will be substituted wherever $name1. and $name2. occurs in the operands of some statements (defined in ADSI script statements).
Note that to display a single $ on the display, code the dollar sign as $$ as shown in the example above.
If you are using softkeys, softkey definition parameters must be passed before the function parameters for every invocation of ADSI where the function has parameters. For an example, see The ADSI_Banking state table.