This section contains descriptions and syntax for all the statements you can include in an ADSI script file. The description of each statement shows whether you can use the statement in an SDC or a FDM script, or in both.
There are four types of statement:
The description of each statement contains references to the following Bellcore specifications, which contain more detailed information:
Table 1 lists all the statements and shows where they are each described.
For quick reference, Table 1 lists the script statements. It gives the terse version, the type, and the parameters for each statement.
If you want to add comments to your script file to explain the statements you use, start each comment line with the two characters //.
To see examples of the script statements, see:
Statement | See |
backspace |
change_state_to |
clear_call_buffer |
clear_clipboard |
clear_display |
clear_soft_key_table |
clear_the_screen |
clear_timer |
clear_type_ahead |
clear_user_input |
clear_virtual_display |
clear_virtual_display_line |
connect_session |
delay |
dial_pulse_1 |
disconnect_session |
display |
display_call_buffer |
display_clipboard |
display_clipboard_if_flag |
do_hookflash |
end_user_input |
exit |
exit_but_retain_display |
function |
go_down_by |
go_offhook |
go_onhook |
go_to_line |
go_up_by |
information |
initialise_soft_key_line |
input_control |
input_format |
install_softkey |
line_control |
load_default_soft_key_tuple |
load_overlay |
load_soft_key_table |
load_virtual_display |
main |
move_data_down |
move_data_up |
on |
overlay |
page_down |
page_up |
put |
query_for_configuration |
query_for_cpe_id |
reset_flag |
send_dtmf |
send_encoded_dtmf |
send_encoded_user_input |
send_ldtmf |
send_line_number |
send_nothing |
send_user_input |
set_flag |
set_info_flags |
set_timer_for |
softkey |
softkeyparms |
start_user_input |
switch_to_alternate_character_set |
switch_to_application |
switch_to_data |
switch_to_peripheral |
switch_to_voice |
tab_field |
tab_to_primary |
tab_to_secondary |
timed_switch_to_voice |
trigger |
wait_for_dial_tone |
This section uses the following typographic conventions to describe the syntax of each ADSI statement: