Disk space

The disk space graph shows the percentage of disk space in use. Blueworx Voice Response only monitors the disk space used by the Blueworx Voice Response file systems. For example, Figure 1 shows that 79 percent of the space defined for the Blueworx Voice Response file systems has been used.

The disk space indicator light to the right of the graph stays green until the information in the file systems fills the amount of space defined by the System Disk Threshold parameter in the Blueworx Voice Response parameter group. Then the indicator turns yellow. The default value for the parameter is 90 percent. If you prefer to be alerted when the file systems are less than 90 percent full, the procedure in When the disk space indicator light turns yellow explains how to change the value of the parameter.

Never let the file system use more than 95 percent of the defined space. As soon as the indicator turns yellow, use the information in When the disk space indicator light turns yellow to free space in the file system.

When the disk space indicator light turns yellow

The disk space indicator light turns yellow when the data in the file systems fills the amount of space defined by the System Disk Threshold parameter in the Blueworx Voice Response parameter group. Blueworx Voice Response cannot operate without enough disk space. To minimize potential problems, try the following:

If you find that you frequently run out of disk space, consider ordering additional capacity. Your IBM representative can help you estimate how much additional disk space to order.

If you prefer to be notified when a smaller or larger amount of disk space is in use, use the information in When the disk space indicator light turns yellow to redefine the disk space threshold.

Note: The disk space indicator is refreshed every 2 minutes.

Removing voice messages from mailboxes

One thing you can do to release disk space is to delete voice messages that have been assigned to mailboxes that are no longer in use, or saved voice messages that are, for example, more than a year old. The procedure includes reviewing information about the messages before deleting them.

When a message has been sent to more than one mailbox, deleting it from one of the mailboxes may not free any disk space. Only when the message is deleted from the last mailbox to which it has been sent does the system actually remove the message.

The system assigns a message to a mailbox when it is a message that has been sent to the mailbox or when it is a message that has been sent by the mailbox owner. The message may already have been delivered, or it may be scheduled for delivery in the future. When the system lists the messages assigned to each mailbox, it groups them by priority level. Messages of the same priority are listed according to the retrieval order specified in the mailbox definition. (For more information on retrieval order and mailbox definitions, refer to the Designing and Managing State Table Applications information.)

  1. Start: At the Welcome window, select Configuration —> Application Profiles
  2. Selecting the mailbox: Open the application profile that includes the mailbox definition.
  3. If necessary, click Show Mailbox 1 Properties.
  4. To select a mailbox other than the one currently selected, click the button and then drag the pointer down or up to the mailbox number.
  5. If the Active checkbox is shaded, the number of Saved, New, and Outgoing messages are shown on the buttons to the right.
  6. Displaying summary information: Click the Saved, New, or Outgoing button.

    The system displays the Saved, New, or Outgoing Message Display window, containing a list of messages ordered by priority and date received. The information displayed shows the message status, the message identifier, the date and time recorded, and the sender (if it's a new or saved message) or receiver (if it's an outgoing message), identified by application profile ID and mailbox number.

  7. Displaying detailed information: Click the message you want to review, followed by Detail.

    The system displays the Detail Message Display window. For an explanation of each field, click Help.

  8. When you have finished reviewing the information, click Close.
  9. Deleting messages: Click the messages you want to delete.
  10. Click Delete Objects.

    The system displays the Delete Objects window.

  11. If you have included messages that you do not want to delete, deselect them (Ctrl-click).
  12. If you want the system to ask you to confirm each deletion, select the Confirm on delete checkbox.
  13. Click Delete.

    The system deletes the selected messages.

  14. Refreshing the display: To display the latest information, close the Saved, New, or Outgoing Message Display window and open it again.

Repeat for other mailboxes defined for this application profile.