The buffer pool

The buffer pool graph shows how many buffers are in use. The number to the right represents the number of buffers currently in use. Below the graph, you can see the total number of buffers in the pool, as defined by the value of the Number of Pool Buffers parameter in the Application Server Interface group. For example, Figure 1 shows that there are 3000 buffers in the pool, of which only 101 are in use.

The indicator light to the right of the buffer pool graph stays green until 80 percent of the buffers are in use. When the system starts to run out of buffers, voice applications run more slowly: to forewarn you, the indicator light turns yellow. When the indicator light turns yellow, use the procedure in Quiescing telephone channels to release some buffers immediately. However, to avoid this occurring, you need to understand what the buffer pool is used for and how to set the system parameters correctly to run your applications.