Licensing using BRM as a license server

With this licensing model the Blueworx Voice Response will automatically connect to a Blueworx Resource Manager licensing server.

Blueworx Resource Manager (BRM) is a Blueworx component that can be used by both BVR AIX and BVR Linux for channel license management. A single BRM can be used to manage channel licenses across multiple BVR AIX and BVR Linux servers. BRM is a Linux RPM that can be installed on Redhat or CentOS 6.x or 7.x.

For installation and configuration instructions for BRM goto

When Blueworx Voice Response is required to handle a SIP call (either inbound or outbound) a single license request is made. Once the SIP call is finished the license is released.

Configuring Blueworx Voice Response to use BRM as the licensing server

The Blueworx Voice Response must be configured to use the BRM as a licensing server.
  1. From the Welcome window, select Configuration —> System Configuration —> Change
  2. Click General.
  3. Set the Use Licensing Server to Yes.
  4. Set the Licensing Server Address to host name or IP address of the BRM.
  5. Set the Licensing Server Port to the port value configured in BRM, the default is 9696.
  6. Set the Max Licenses From Server> to the number of licenses to allocate, the default is 480.

The Max Licenses From Server is the maximum number of licenses requested by Blueworx Voice Response whilst running. This configuration value can be used to artifically reduce the number of SIP calls handled by Blueworx Voice Response. One use of this from Blueworx Voice Response on a machine that is not powerful enough to handle the full 480 SIP channels. Another use is to ensure that a single machine does not use all licenses and thus starving another machine.

License usage

As SIP calls are received (inbound) or created (outbound) a license is requested from BRM upto the maximum configured Max Licenses From Server. Once the SIP call has finished the license is released.

When a license is requested the following can occur:
  1. BRM is running and has plenty of spare licenses and Max Licenses From Server licenses have not been allocated. Blueworx Voice Response is allocated 1 license.
  2. BRM is running and has no spare licenses. Blueworx Voice Response is not allocated a license and the call is rejected.
  3. BRM is running however there is a license key problem on the licensing server. Blueworx Voice Response is allocated a single license.
  4. BRM is not running however has been connected. Blueworx Voice Response is allocated 1 temporary license upto Max Licenses From Server.
  5. BRM is not running however has never been connected. Blueworx Voice Response is allocated a single license.
The number of allowable SIP calls is equal to the number of acquired licenses. All temporary licenses are valid for 24 hours since the last connection to BRM. Once the 24 hour period has expired only a single license can be acquired. This a grace period to restart the BRM connection.