You can use the <meta> element to prevent caching
of a VoiceXML document by specifying http-equiv=“expires” and content=“date”. For example:
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="Tue, 25 Nov 2003 14:00:00 GMT">
In this example, the <meta> element specifies
that the document is invalid after the date specified in the content attribute. After that date, the browser should load
the new document, not the cached document.
By default, any dynamic VoiceXML 2.0 content is cached in
Blueworx Voice Response unless
the Cache-Control http header field is set correctly. This can cause performance
problems, because the dynamic content cannot be reused from the cache. Instead
it has to be fetched and cached each time it is referenced. To avoid such
problems, set the Cache-Control field in the http header to
private or
no-cache. The method for achieving this
is application-specific, but as an example, including the following line in
a WebSphere Application Server
.jsv sets the http header:
<res:setHeader name="Cache-Control">private</res:setHeader>