Option 3 - Adding a server certificate from a PKCS #12 file

The process for importing a personal certificate from a PKCS #12 file is described.

You can import a personal certificate into keyring.db from a PKCS #12 file by using the wvrcert command. Before you import a personal certificate in PKCS #12 format into the key database file, you must first add the full valid chain of issuing CA certificates to the keyring.db database file. If they are in the PKCS #12 file, you can use the import command. If not, see Add trusted certificates to keyring.db.

Note: Treat PKCS #12 files as temporary and deleted them after use.

The command to import is as follows:

wvrcert -cert -import -file filename -pw password -type pkcs12 
        -target $SYS_DIR/voip/keyring.db -target_pw password -label label


-file filename
The fully qualified file name of the file that contains the PKCS #12 certificate.
-pw password
The password for the PKCS #12 certificate.
-type pkcs12
The type of the file.
-target filename
The name of the destination CMS key database.
-target_pw password
The password for the keyring.db database.
-label label
The label of the certificate to import from the source key database.
-new_label label
label is the label that the certificate is to be assigned in the target database. If you omit the -new_label option, the default is to use the same value as the -label option. Blueworx Voice Response uses the certificate that is labeled wvr_server_certificate as its personal certificate.