Check boxes, radio buttons, and drop-down buttons

This section describes how to use check boxes, radio buttons, and drop-down buttons.

Check boxes: to select an option, click in the check box with mouse button 1.

This is an example of how a check box is used with a mouse to select an option.

Radio buttons: to select one of a list of mutually exclusive options, click on the radio button with mouse button 1.

This is an example of how a radio button is used with a mouse to select an option.

Drop-down buttons look like standard pushbuttons with a bar next to the label. Point to the button and press mouse button 1 to display a list of mutually exclusive options.

Use mouse button 1 to drag the mouse pointer up or down the list, and release the button when the required option is highlighted.

This is an example of how a drop-down button is used with a mouse to display more options.