When you are working with your state table, you may want to see what variables
you have used, and change some of them. To do this use the variable search
utility as follows:
- From the Welcome window, Applications → State Table → Utilities → Variable Search.
The Variable Search and Replace window is displayed:
- Searching for variables: To find all instances of
a variable, click the Search Variable button. The Variables window
is displayed.
- Click the Variable Class, and then select the variable you want
to search for. In the Variable Search and Replace window, the states that
refer to the selected variable are displayed.
- Replacing Variables : Click the Replace Variable button. The Variables window is displayed.
- Click the Variable Class, and then select the variable you want
to replace it with.
- To replace all instances of the variable, click the Global Replace toggle button. To replace selected instances of the variable, click
the Replace Selected States toggle button and then select the states
in which you want to replace the variable.
- Click the Replace button.
- Done: When you have completed your changes, Save the state table.