You usually define state table properties when you create a new state table,
but you can define the properties at any time before you validate the state
table. The following procedure explains how to define state table properties:
- From the Welcome window, click on Applications →
State Tables.
- Select and open a state table, or open a new one.
- Open Properties window: Click File -->Properties. The system displays the State Table Properties window:
- State table description: Type a description for
the state table, or, to modify the description, use Backspace to delete the current description, and type the new information.
- Select prompt directory: Click Prompt Directory to select or change the prompt directory that contains all the prompts
to be used by the state table. If your state table doesn't use a prompt
directory, click (Clear Dir) to deselect the prompt directory.
- Add entry points : Click Entry Points to Add or Delete one or more entry points, identifying the first
and any subsequent states at which execution of the state table can start.
If you have not yet determined entry points, you can return to this window
when you have completed the state table to add entry point information.
- Add input parameters and variables: Click Input
Parameters and Variables to select and Add or Delete the parameters and variables that the state table uses. As you
define each state in the state table, you can return to this window to specify
the variables that are used.
- Fix state table in memory: If it is essential that
your state table stays in memory during operation once it is loaded, select
the check box next to Fix in Memory.
- Done: Close the State Table Properties
window. The State Table window displays the specified properties information.