

Use TerminateCall to disconnect a caller.

A screen capture of the Action TerminateCall window


TerminateCall does not terminate state table processing. It can be followed by any other state table actions that do not require interaction with the same caller.

If this state is not included in a state table, the CloseEverything action disconnects the caller.

TerminateCall supports use of the system variable SV541 to pass additional call information from a state table to SIP. See Transferring information between a state table and SIP for more details.


No parameters are required.

Possible results

TerminateCall has only one result:

The caller was disconnected.

ASCII syntax

When using an ASCII editor, code this action as the example demonstrates:

label: "Check Edges"
          edge EDGE_OK: ok

For more information, see Testing a state table using the debugger.