

Use DeleteVoiceSegment to delete a voice segment.

A screen capture of the Action DeleteVoiceSegment window


DeleteVoiceSegment removes the segment, either from the temporary workspace in which the system holds it until it is saved, or from disk.


  1. DeleteVoiceSegment should be used only by the system administrator to maintain the voice segment files.
  2. You can only delete a voice segment from Voice in Workspace if you created it with RecordVoiceSegment in your current session and have not saved it. The temporary workspace is cleared when you end the session.


The parameters for DeleteVoiceSegment identify the voice segment to delete and where it is located. This action deletes a voice segment either from workspace (Voice in Workspace) or from disk (Voice on Disk). If the voice data is in workspace, there are no parameters. If the segment is stored on disk, the parameters are:

Possible results

DeleteVoiceSegment can have one of the following results:

The voice segment was deleted.
The voice segment was not deleted.
Voice Record Not Found
The system did not find a voice segment for the voice directory, segment ID, and language ID defined by the parameters.

ASCII syntax

When using an ASCII editor, code this action with these parameters in the following order:



  1. "ON_DISK"
  2. "VDIR_ID"
  3. Voice directory ID
  4. Segment ID
  5. Language


  1. "ON_DISK"
  2. "VDIR_NAME"
  3. Voice directory name
  4. Segment ID
  5. Language

For example:

label: "Check Edges"
	  edge EDGE_DELETE_VCE_SUCCESSFUL:    successful
	  edge EDGE_DELETE_VCE_UNSUCCESSFUL:  unsuccessful
	  edge EDGE_DELETE_VCE_NO_VOICE:	  no_voice
	DeleteVoiceSegment("ON_DISK", "VDIR_NAME", System, loc1_n, SV142);
										 # SV142...App Profile Language

The parameters and edges are described above under "Parameters" and "Possible results". For more information, see Testing a state table using the debugger.