exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program db2stop because of the following errors: 0509-130 Symbol resolution failed for /usr/lib/threads/libc.a?aio_64.o because: 0509-136 Symbol kaio_rdwr64 (number 0) is not exported from dependent module /unix. 0509-136 Symbol listio64 (number 1) is not exported from dependent module /unix. 0509-136 Symbol acancel64 (number 2) is not exported from dependent module /unix. 0509-136 Symbol iosuspend64 (number 3) is not exported from dependent module /unix. 0509-136 Symbol aio_nwait (number 4) is not exported from dependent module /unix. 0509-130 Symbol resolution failed for /usr/opt/db2_08_01/lib64/libdb2e.a?shr_64.o? because: 0509-136 Symbol aio_nwait (number 506) is not exported from dependent module /usr/lib/threads/libc.a?aio_64.o?. 0509-150 Dependent module libdb2e.a(shr_64.o) could not be loaded. 0509-026 System error: Cannot run a file that does not have a valid format. 0509-192 Examine .loader section symbols with the 'dump -Tv' command.
This is a known DB2 problem that occurs when Kernelised Asynchronous I/O (KAIO) is not enabled. To enable KAIO, use the following steps: