The binary trace runs by default at a very low level, so that it can capture any basic first-failure data if a problem arises. The binary tracing system combines trace data into one contiguous store, and is used for tracing Java and VoiceXML components as well as some custom servers. As described below, two separate configuration files are used to set the default tracing level and the method by which the system stores the trace data. All the trace data is stored in binary format into a memory buffer, and also to disk in a managed list of files, which are limited to a configurable maximum amount of disk space. Once this space is used, the oldest file is discarded and reused.
You can either use dtjit to configure the trace (refer to the help for dtjit for more information) or follow the instructions below to configure the trace manually.
trace.option=<trace_level>In the absence of this value being set, a default trace level of 2 is used.
After you have updated the file, you must restart the Java and VoiceXML environment environment for the changes to take effect.
trace.option=<trace_level>You do not have to restart any programs after changing trcserv.ini, although you do need to run the command trcserv -ry. This resets the trace server so that it picks up any new settings.
trace.mode=<mode_number>where mode_number can take the following values:
trace.max.disk=<number_of_kilobytes>When this limit is reached, the oldest file is discarded and reused. Each file is typically 5 MB in size and has a naming convention of wvrtrace.<num>.trc, where <num> is an integer between one and the number of files that make up the maximum disk limit (the default is 100 MB). Trace files are stored in the directory $DTJ_HOME/dtj_logs.
The trace server memory buffer can be flushed to disk on demand by using trcserv -f command. This causes any trace data that was not previously written in the current memory buffer to be written to disk.
dtjtrcmod <trace_level>This command sets the trace level dynamically, without requiring a restart of any program that uses this tracing system.
The trace mode should also be set to 3 to enable continuous data output to be collected. Depending on how busy the system is or the level of trace that is set, there may be a large amount of trace data created, and as a result the maximum disk space parameter may need to be increased to allow enough data to be captured. Also, you should monitor the extra CPU load that the system will experience if it is running at the highest trace level (9).
dtjtrcfmt wvrtrace.<n>.trc > <output filename>or
dtjtrcfmt -o <output_filename> wvrtrace.<n>.trcThe output file contains the trace output in UTF-8 readable form.