Archive, list, print, or view standard reports.
DTreports { -a |-p [-P printer_name] [-N number_of_copies]
| -s filename | -v } -n report_name { -b start_date -e end_date| -b { previous_day | previous_week | previous_month }
} | DTreports -l
- -a
- Archive the item specified by the -n flag.
- -b start_date -e end_date
- The period of data to be processed. Both start_date and end_date must be the format yyyy-mm-dd, for example, 1997-05-21.
- -b { previous_day | previous_week| previous_month }
- The period of data to be processed:
- previous_day
- Data for the period from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 on the preceding day.
For example, if the command is run on Monday, Sunday's data is processed.
- previous_week
- Data for the preceding seven days. For example, if the command is run
on Monday, data covering the period from 00:00:00 on Monday through 23:59:59
on Sunday evening is processed.
- previous_month
- Data for the previous calendar month. For example, if the command is
run on 28 April, data covering the period from 00:00:00 on 1 March through
23:59:59 on 31 March is processed.
- -l
- List the standard reports available.
- -n report_name
- The name of the report to be processed. To process more than one report
at a time, use wild card characters, including * to represent any
number of characters, and ? to represent a single character. For example "Host*" includes HostApplErrors, HostApplUsage, HostLinkErrors, and HostLinkUsage.
If using wild card characters, you must enclose the string in single or double
quotation marks.
- -p
- Print the reports specified by the -n flag.
- -s filename
- Save the reports specified by the -n flag in the file specified
by the filename.
- -v
- View the reports specified by the -n flag, on the screen.
Print all reports for the period from 22 June 1997 to 26 July 1997:
DTreports -p -n "*" -b 1997-06-22 -e 1997-07-26
Save yesterday's Traffic report in ready-to-print format, in a file
DTreports -s $ARC_DIR/oamlog/traffic.0622 -n Traffic -b previous_day