DTlogs command


Archive, list, print, or view log files.


DTlogs { -a | -p [-P printer_name] [ -N number_of_copies] | -v } -n filename| DTlogs -l


Archive the log file specified by the -n flag.
List the log files available.
-n filename
The name of the log file to be processed. To process more than one file at a time, use wild card characters, including * to represent any number of characters, and ? to represent a single character. For example "*.log" means all files ending in .log. If using wild card characters, you must enclose the string in single or double quotation marks.
-N number_of_copies
The number of copies to be printed if the -p flag is specified.
Print the log files specified by the -n flag.
-P printer_name
The name of the printer to be used if the -p flag is specified.
View the log files specified by the -n flag, on the screen.


List all log files:

DTlogs -l -n "*"