DTdata command


Delete or export the data in statistics database tables, or list the database tables.


DTdata { -d | -x filename -f { ixf | wsf | del } } -n table_name { -b start_date -e end_date| -b { previous_day | previous_week | previous_month} } | DTdata -l


-b start_date -e end_date
The period of data to be processed. Both start_date and end_date must be the format yyyy-mm-dd, for example, 1997-05-21.
-b { previous_day | previous_week | previous_month }
The period of data to be processed:
Data for the period from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 on the preceding day. For example, if the command is run on Monday, Sunday's data is processed.
Data for the preceding seven days. For example, if the command is run on Monday, data covering the period from 00:00:00 on Monday through 23:59:59 on Sunday evening is processed.
Data for the previous calendar month. For example, if the command is run on 28 April, data covering the period from 00:00:00 on 1 March through 23:59:59 on 31 March is processed.
Delete the table specified by the -n flag.
-f { ixf | wsf | del }
The format in which data is exported when the -x flag is specified.
List the database tables available.
-n table_name
The name of the database table to be processed.
-x filename
Export the data in the table specified by the -n flag, to the file specified by filename, in the format specified by the -fflag.


Export the previous week's data from sm_ccr table to a file called $ARC_DIR/oamlog/sm_ccr.ixf, in IXF format and delete it:

DTdata -x $ARC_DIR/oamlog/sm_ccr.ixf -f ixf -d -n sm_ccr -b previous_week