How many buffers can you have?

The Number of Pool Buffers system parameter specifies the maximum number of buffers. Table 1 shows the system defaults and maximum values you can configure for Number of Pool Buffers.

Figure 1. The buffer pool
The diagram represents the total buffer pool, and shows how it is divided up according to the value of the two system parameters and the environment variable that are described in the table and text below.

The CA_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE environment variable is discussed in the Custom Servers information.

Table 1. Buffer pool and voice cache default and maximum sizes.

This table shows the default and maximum number of pool buffers and cache buffers together with the equivalent sizes in MB. It also shows, for compressed and uncompressed data, the default and maximum duration of voice data that can be held in the voice cache.




Number of Pool Buffers system parameter

500 (2MB)

64000 (256MB)

Maximum Cache Buffers system parameter

300 (1.2MB)

44000 (176MB)

Amount of voice data that can be held in cache


750 seconds

40000 seconds (11.1 hours)


150 seconds

8000 seconds (2.2 hours)