Secondary keywords for all nodes

The name of a CCXML service that can be run on this node. There must be a CCXService entry for the service, preceding this entry in the file. (See CCXService configuration entry). One or more CCXAppService entries can be defined for a single node. Optional
Yes or No. Default is Yes. Optional.
The name of an application group to start when the node is started. Optional. There must be a GroupName configuration entry for the group, preceding this entry in the file. You need one Group keyword for each group to be started.
Note: Although you can use application groups with voice response nodes, this is not recommended.
The value of this keyword contains the Java invocation command used to start this node, and overrides the java.command option on the dtj.ini file on the system where the node is to be started. This keyword is platform and JVM specific. Any options specified in this keyword must be acceptable on the machine where the node is to be started.
Applies to Java applications only. One or more class paths, to concatenate to the beginning of the host's CLASSPATH. For example, c:\mybeans\mybeans.jar. Optional. You need only set this if you want to specify different class paths, for example, to use different versions of a class in different nodes. Make sure you run all the applications that need the same class path in the same node. This must match the specification for the CLASSPATH variable on the base operating system, for example on AIX it must be separated with a colon (:).
Specifies whether the node is to be used as a voice response node. Optional.

The default is No, which means that this node is an application node: you can specify the Secondary keywords for application nodes only. If you specify Yes, this node is a voice response node: you can specify the Secondary keywords for voice response nodes only.

Note: This was formerly known as TSNode.