Getting started: the WVRApplication class

The first step to creating a voice application using the Blueworx Voice Response Java API is to create a class which extends the WVRApplication class.

The WVRApplication class contains the following methods:
Retrieves environment properties required to run the application. If you are running your application unmanaged, this method will return null. (See Managed and unmanaged applications for more information about managed and unmanaged applications). If you are running your application managed, the application properties are returned in the form of an ApplicationProperties object. See Setting the application environment for more information about the ApplicationProperties class.
Defines environment properties required to run the application. Your application only needs to use this method if you are running it as an unmanaged application. (See Managed and unmanaged applications for more information about managed and unmanaged applications.) The only parameter is an ApplicationProperties object. See Setting the application environment for more information about the ApplicationProperties class, and the use of the WVR.setApplicationProperties() method.
This is the main entry point for the application. The main implementation code for your application will be in this method.
Starts an instance of the application. This method is invoked automatically by Blueworx Voice Response when a managed application is started. If you are testing your application it is likely that you will be running it unmanaged, in which case you will have to write a main() method which creates an instance of your application and invokes its run() method. For example:
public static void main(String[] args) {
  // Create an instance of the MyVoiceApp class and invoke its run method
  MyVoiceApp aVoiceApp = new MyVoiceApp();;

Also see Example 1: Caller calls an application for an example of this code.

This method also provides error handling of uncaught exceptions and returns a call when the caller hangs up (when the application receives a WVRHungUpException).

This method is invoked automatically when a node shuts down. Use it to prepare your application for shut down, for example by stopping pending methods such as Call.waitForCall().