package tut;
* Subcomponent that allows the caller to order an item from a catalog
class Catalog {
//Define the category for all the voice segments in this class.
private static final String CATEGORY = "Tutorials";
// Define the menu items
private static final String ITEM1_YES = "Yes";
private static final String ITEM2_NO = "No";
// Create an array to store the menu items
private static final String[] MENU_ITEMS = { ITEM1_YES, ITEM2_NO };
// Define the keys used to make the menu selections, and store them in an array
private static final String[] MENU_KEYS = { "1", "2" };
// Create a number of Voice Segment objects
// Create the segment objects for the menu items, and store them in an array
private static final MediaType[] MENU_PROMPTS = {
new VoiceSegment(CATEGORY, "ForYesPress1"),
new VoiceSegment(CATEGORY, "ForNoPress2")
// Create the segment objects for taking the order
private static final VoiceSegment VS_PRODUCT_NUMBER = new VoiceSegment(CATEGORY, "ProductNumber");
private static final VoiceSegment VS_QUANTITY = new VoiceSegment(CATEGORY, "Quantity");
private static final VoiceSegment VS_YOU_ORDERED = new VoiceSegment(CATEGORY, "YouOrdered");
private static final VoiceSegment VS_ITEMS = new VoiceSegment(CATEGORY, "Items");
// Create the segment objects for the verifying the order menu
private static final VoiceSegment VS_IS_THIS_OK = new VoiceSegment(CATEGORY, "IsThisOK");
// Create the segment object for the result
private static final VoiceSegment VS_SORRY = new VoiceSegment(CATEGORY, "Sorry");
// Create AudioNumber objects to play the caller's order back to them
private AudioNumber prodNumValue = new AudioNumber();
private AudioNumber quantityValue = new AudioNumber();
// Create a media sequence of the caller's order
private MediaType[] order = { VS_YOU_ORDERED, quantityValue, VS_ITEMS, prodNumValue };
// Create some attribute objects for getting the product number from the caller
private PlayAttributes prodNumPlayAtts = new PlayAttributes();
private InputAttributes prodNumInputAtts = new InputAttributes();
private DTMFAttributes prodNumDTMFAtts = new DTMFAttributes();
private RecoAttributes prodNumRecoAtts = null;
// Create some attribute objects for getting the quantity from the caller
private PlayAttributes quantityPlayAtts = new PlayAttributes();
private InputAttributes quantityInputAtts = new InputAttributes();
private DTMFAttributes quantityDTMFAtts = new DTMFAttributes();
private RecoAttributes quantityRecoAtts = null;
// Create some attribute objects for the verify order menu
private PlayAttributes menuPlayAtts = new PlayAttributes();
private MenuAttributes menuAtts = new MenuAttributes(MENU_PROMPTS, MENU_ITEMS, MENU_KEYS, MENU_ITEMS);
private DTMFAttributes menuDTMFAtts = new DTMFAttributes();
private RecoAttributes menuRecoAtts = null;
private CardChecker cardChecker = new CardChecker();