This section describes the VOX_CTI custom server functions that can be used from within a state table to access the VOX Server:
For more information about each VOX command see the Avaya Interaction Center VOX Server Programmer's Guide.
char alarmname[64]
char priority[16]
char description[128]
long rc
char error_msg[256]
char name[512]
long rc
char error_msg[256]
char value[1024]
The name input variable is split into one or more sub strings using the comma as a delimiter to generate the name1, name2, name3 variables. The output variable called value is set to the returned set of "name","value" pairs without the quotes.
char name[512]
long rc
char error_msg[256]
char value[1024]
long rc
char error_msg[256]
The Gone function must be called immediately after the state table detects that the call has hung up. The Gone function disassociates the link between the CHP/state table and the channel from the VOX Server's point of view. After the Gone function all subsequent VOX_CTI functions will fail (besides Alarm and Ping).
If a new call arrives on the channel whilst an existing CHP/state table is using that channel a VOX.gone command is automatically sent to the VOX Server for that channel. Preferably, application writers should always call the Gone function.
long rc
char error_msg[256]
The Newcall function should be called once at the beginning of the call. The Newcall function associates the CHP/state table with the channel from the VOX Server's point of view.
long rc
char error_msg[256]
long rc
char error_msg[256]
char ps_ani[32]
char name[1024]
long rc
char error_msg[256]
char op[9]
short output
char arg1[32]
char arg2[32]
char arg3[32]
char arg4[32]
long rc
char error_msg[256]
char output[64]
char destination[32]
long rc
char error_msg[256]