Maximum Ring Time (Seconds)

Parameter group

Application Server Interface

Access level


Possible values

0 through 120




Specifies the maximum amount of time a voice application waits to detect an answer after it has performed a Dial, MakeCall, or TransferCall action.

The value of Maximum Ring Time is used if the state table action Ring Time parameter is set to its default value of 0. The state table action Ring Time parameter value is used if its value is greater than 0, whatever the value of the Maximum Ring Time parameter.

If the state table action parameters Ring Time and Ring Wait are both set to 0, the action returns the Succeeded result immediately after it has sent the last digit in the digit string (that is, the action does not wait for any more activity on the channel). This action is known as a blind dial, blind makecall, or blind transfer.

This information is summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. How Ring Time and Ring Wait parameters affect answer detection.

This table shows how different values of the Ring Time and Ring Wait state table action parameters affect Ringback Tone Detection for any value of the Maximum Ring Wait system parameter.

System parameter

State Table action parameter


Maximum Ring Time

Ring Time

Ring Wait

Any value



Use Maximum Ring Time value

Any value


Any value

Use Ring Time value

Any value



Action returns the Succeeded result immediately after sending the last digit in the digit string