For the system to operate in another language, you must do the
- Always add the language (described in Defining additional languages).
- If you need window text in the language, translate window text
into the new language (described in Using Blueworx Voice Response to translate window text and Using another editor to translate display text).
- If people want the translated window text to display in the windows,
add administrator profiles that specify the language as the preferred
language (described in Giving people access to Blueworx Voice Response).
- If the language is supplied, import it. If the language is not
supplied, record new voice segments and create new system prompts
as required. See the Blueworx Voice Response for AIX:
Designing and Managing State Table Applications information for
information about importing languages and for an introduction to voice
segments and prompts.
- If the system prompts are not available in the new language but
voice application developers need them, translate the prompts (described
in the Blueworx Voice Response for AIX:
Designing and Managing State Table Applications information).