Passing information back from a VoiceXML application to CCXML

When the VoiceXML application completes, the CCXML application that launched it receives a dialog.exit event.

The VoiceXML application can pass information back to CCXML using the namelist attribute of the VoiceXML <exit> element, for example:
<var name="varOne" expr="'ONE'"/> 
<var name="varTwo" expr="'TWO'"/> 
<exit namelist="varOne varTwo"/> 
In the CCXML document, the namelist values are available in the values property of the dialog.exit event:
<transition event="dialog.exit" name="evt">
	<log expr="'Namelist = '+evt.namelist'"/>
    <!-- This results in the string "Namelist = varOne varTwo" being logged -->
    <log expr="'varOne (returned from VoiceXML) = '+evt.values.varOne"/>
    <!-- This results in the string "varOne (returned from VoiceXML) =  ONE" being logged -->
    <log expr="'varTwo (returned from VoiceXML) = '+evt.values.varTwo"/>
    <!-- This results in the string "varTwo (returned from VoiceXML) =  TWO" being logged -->