If a runtime error occurs within a document, such as trying to use or evaluate an undeclared variable or attribute, an error.semantic event is generated. This error can be caught by using an appropriate transition.
<transition event="error.semantic" name="evt">
<log label="'error.semantic'" />
<log expr="'a '+evt.name' error condition has occurred on ['+evt.tagname+'] tag '" />
<log expr="' gives error=['+evt.reason+']'" />
In this example, the reason field of the error.semantic event allows the developer to better diagnose such problems.
2003.12.17 14:31:54.637 host1-Node1-call-2 error.semantic 2003.12.17 14:31:54.637 host1-Node1-call-2 a error.semantic error condition has occurred on [log] tag 2003.12.17 14:31:54.637 host1-Node1-call-2 gives error=["count" is not defined]