Use the PUT_FIELD statement to place a value into a defined field on a 3270 screen.
If the specified field is not found in the database, the EX_NO_FIELD exception definition script is invoked. By default, the script is abnormally terminated. To handle a failed PUT_FIELD statement in a different way, you need to write an exception handler for this condition, as described in EXCEPTION.
If the 3270 terminal emulation session is in keyboard lock condition (indicating that the host system is busy), when the PUT_FIELD statement is executed, the EX_KEYB_LOCK exception definition script is invoked. By default, the script is abnormally terminated. To handle a failed PUT_FIELD statement in a different way, you need to write an exception handler for this condition, as described in EXCEPTION.
PUT_FIELD ( logon.command_line, "H" ); PUT_FIELD ( main_menu.extension_field, extension );
To use the 3270 Script window’s Statements menu to define a PUT_FIELD statement, follow this procedure:
The system displays the Put Field Definition window.
In the Field Selection window:
The PUT_FIELD statement is added to the script.