Voice over IP (specifically using the SIP signalling protocol) is implemented in Blueworx Voice Response using a SIP signalling stack, and one or more ‘adapters’ that transfer the voice data associated with A SIP call.
These two components are:
Although Blueworx Voice Response uses two types of adapter available for voice data transfer, the SIP Signalling Process is the same for both. It communicates on one side with the ‘core’ of WVR and on the other, with the AIX TCP/IP stack, implementing SIP sequences to provide signalling functions such as call setup, teardown, transmission an so on.
The only currently available ‘adapter’ available for Blueworx Voice Response is a ‘software’ adapter known as DTNA (Digital Trunk No Adapter). DTNA uses the system unit’s built-in Ethernet interface. DTNA is software function which is provided (at no extra charge) in Blueworx Voice Response.
Although many applications will run unchanged using VoIP, there are some application considerations in migrating an application from DTTA (standard T1/E1 Public Switched Telephone Network support) to Voice-Over-IP using SIP, or in writing applications that exploit SIP in some way or other.