The MakeCallStatus custom server function

The MakeCallStatus function is provided with the VOIP_Call_Transfer custom server. The MakeCallStatus function is used by the outbound state table to return information about the success of the outbound call to the third party.

For more information on the MakeCallStatus function see Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Designing and Managing State Table Applications.

Sending user data to the outbound call

User information can be sent to the outbound call by a tag set within SV541 . This must be assigned using the AssignData PUT_TAG action ahead of the TransferCall action in the user application. For example:
AssignData(SV541, "PUT_TAG", "USERPW", "12345")
This data can be retrieved into, for example, userpw string variable ahead of making the outbound call in the VOIP_SupA_Xfer state table using:
AssignData(userpw, "GET_TAG_VALUE", tags, "USERPW");
where tags is an input parameter to VOIP_SupA_Xfer which is set to the value of SV541 assigned ahead of the TransferCall action in the user application.

In each case the USERPW tag is ignored by SIP.

Further details of all the input parameters for VOIP_SupA_Xfer can be found at
